About Claire Barton

Playing Sansula at West Cork Yoga Festival

I believe in the healing power of sound

Hi my name is Claire Marie. I am a sound-healer, musician and author living  in West Cork on the south coast of Ireland.

I believe in the Healing Power of Sound. For those of you who don’t know me let me tell you my story.

My healing journey with sound

I’ve always loved nature and started out as an ecologist, spending years surveying seabirds, whales & dolphins at sea.  However becoming a mother was a catalyst in my change of career.

In 2005, my first baby, Alan was  born prematurely at 27 weeks and died shortly afterwards. When Alan died, everything changed for me.  

I have learnt so much from him-joy, pain, heart-breaking sorrow, grace, acceptance, love, compassion, empathy. But most importantly he showed me how short and precious this lifetime is and not to waste it wondering what could have been.

Sound healing can help you listen to your own inner voice

Motherhood and the passing of Alan opened me up spiritually and creatively.  I did a lot of energy work with some wonderful healers and started writing.  In December 2016, I self-published ‘Letting Go’ my first book & CD about my experience of Alan through my diaries, poetry & songs.

My journey has been about self-expression- releasing the blocks in my throat chakra using the medium of sound.  When I was growing up I was very ‘nice’ and I never said what was really on my mind.  I wanted to please others and fit in.  The only time I really felt free to be myself was when I was singing.

When I’m singing I enter this vulnerable but empowered state and I feel connected to my true nature.  On discovering sound healing, it was the natural next step for me.

Along the way I learnt that I am an empath and naturally sensitive.  Now I use these attributes in my work to help you to listen to your own inner voice so you can give yourself permission for your own self-expression.

The vibrational energy of healing is all around us if only we can be present and open up to receive it

The vibrational energy of healing is all around us if only we can be present and open up to receive it.

I see the power of sound when my students learn a new song and have a big smile on their faces or when my  sound healing clients experience a glimmer of hope during a sad time.

I offer sound healing treatments and angel card readings in  west Cork and on zoom.  I love running private retreats for individuals and couples in our self-catering Airbnb chalet.  I also teach adults to play ukulele through my online ‘Ukulele Time’ courses.

My holistic qualifications

My first experience of energy healing was with Reiki and I have completed Reiki levels 1 & 2 in the 7 level system of Reiki with my wonderful sister and Reiki master Louise Pollock.

I started taking angel communication courses with Rev. Elvia Roe of AngelsTeach in 2014 and completed my Angel Communication MasterTM class in May 2016.

In 2017, I qualified as an accredited Sound Healing practitioner with the UK College of Sound Healing, specialising in vocal sound healing. I trained with Chrys Blanchard in Abergavenny, Wales. I also completed a ‘Gong Wisdom Training’ with Chrys.

I am a current member of the College of Sound Healing and undertake CPD every year.

Complimentary Clarity Call

If you want to learn more about working with me, you can book a complimentary Clarity Call below.