Card for the Month – June 2024 – Saint/Sinner
This month’s card is Saint/Sinner from the Magdalene Oracle by Toni Carmine Salerno.
When I was growing up, I learnt that Mary Magdalene was a prostitute until she met Jesus and repented and followed him. It turns out she was never a prostitute but a holy woman, one of the disciples and a saint in her own right.
While it’s easy for me to get up on my high horse about this, there are a couple of questions that can be asked instead.
1) How do I act out in my life, making incorrect assumptions about others? How can I be less judgemental and more compassionate?
2) In what ways have I misjudged myself? Made myself wrong or bad, or gave away my power to others. How can I be less self-critical and show more self-compassion?
I invite you to take a few minutes to ponder these questions and journal on them.
It’s important to keep an open mind and heart about ourselves and others. Live and let live!
I hope you have a great month!
Much love & blessings,
Claire xoxo
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from ‘Magdalene Oracle’ by Toni Carmine Salerno