Card for the Month – October 2024 – Eagle

This card is from Angels and Ancestors oracle cards by Kyle Gray. The card is Eagle – “See from a Higher Perspective.” The eagle flies, or soars, really high over the land and can see everything. He’s got this whole big picture of what’s going on. In our lives, sometimes we don’t have that; we can only see a little bit, or we’re blinded by our beliefs, and we can get entrenched in a particular perspective. So we’re being encouraged to rise above everything, to really look deeply and try to see other people’s perspectives, and to see possibilities that we might not have been aware of.

Now, in the picture, the eagle isn’t soaring. He looks like he’s just about to come in to land. So, if he’s taking action, he’s made his decision and knows where he’s going. It feels like it’s also a time to take inspired action. It’s the right time to make a move on something—could be a project or maybe a decision—but you need to take some time with it. Sit with it, look at all these different aspects, and maybe ask for guidance. Once you’ve made your decision, go for it and take the actions that are needed. You can allow it to be easy and allow a flow. You can ask for guidance. Eagle Medicine would include that sharp sight, insight, and also strength. They have a lot of strength of character.

This card is about seeing things from a different perspective, really examining your viewpoint, and then taking inspired actions. There’s definitely purposeful action after thinking about it. Action is encouraged in this situation.

I just had a quick look at what was written in the book about this card, and a couple of things stood out. It says, “Recognize your views or vision where they may be limited. Sometimes your ego, your needs, or desperation can be blocking you from seeing the potential in your current situation. If something needs to change, how can you take the higher road? Eagle Medicine brings the energy of healing and love directly from the heart of Father Sky and invites you to do all things from a place of love.”

So that’s a really nice reminder that when you’re not sure about what action to take, consider: is it for the highest good of all? Try to allow your heart and love to guide you.

Have a lovely month!

Much love & blessings,
Claire xoxo

Picture of 'Children' card from Messages from Messages from the fairies Oracle Card deck by Doreen Virtue. A little girl with butterfly wings looks up at the sky


from ‘Angels and Ancestors Oracle Cards’ by Kyle Gray