A Murder of Crows DanceyPointyBlackTail bowedbouncing the high wire SwooshingswoopingcirclingcorrallingLand again Baubles decoratingthe Christmas treeFly away again CallingcawingcacklingcroakingLand again Beading the wirestrings of blackshadow shapeswatching...
Musings on Life
Half a century young tomorrow!
Dear friend, I hope you have been keeping well. We are living in difficult changing times. Covid has taken a back seat and the war on Ukraine has taken it’s place. It’s easy to become disheartened about the sad state of affairs on our beautiful planet, but what...
Danced by Rhythm
Dear friend, A couple of weeks ago I attended a womens retreat day in west Cork called ‘Sile Rising’ organised by members of the Irish College of Sound Healing. It was a beautiful day of connection and exploring feminine wisdom through the legends of Sile na Gig and...
When There is War
When there is war... This poem was inspired by Ukranian Jewellery Maker Tanya Kolyada. May While we were looking forward to restrictions relaxing and life becoming more normal again, now we have the horror of war in Ukraine. It’s hard to know what to do think and...
This Year Follow Your Joy To Achieve Sound Self-Care
Do you set goals for the New Year? Maybe you go for it and enthusiastically work out for 3 days and then life happens and you wonder where the time went and it’s Christmas again…Maybe just thinking about your new year’s resolutions make you feel overwhelmed? Been...
A Poem About A Song For Peace
Since the equinox, I have been taking time where I can to find the balance and peace in my life despite the pandemic which continues to challenge us all. This is where a poem about a song for peace stemmed from. One beautiful autumn morning I snuck away early heading...